Study at ACE
For children who attend the ACE school base for lessons, parents and the home school will receive a report at the end of each term. KS4 pupils are assessed each half term by teachers and termly for KS3 pupils. Both academic and personal progress are monitored closely by staff. Discussions on attendance, health and pupil needs are held at each student review which takes place 3 times a year. However more frequent review meetings may take place if required. If an EHAT is in place this is also updated at each review.
A parents evening is arranged during the Spring and Summer Terms in order for parents to meet all subject teachers.
Examination Courses?
As far as possible, provision is made for students in KS4 to follow a number of external examination courses which include:
- Maths GCSE;
- English Language GCSE (some pupils may also be able to study GCSE English Literature);
- Art GCSE for a limited number of pupils
- Biology GCSE
- BTEC Level 2 ICT
For students who are capable of accessing further GCSE courses via independent study this may be arranged and supported by their home school.
Section 19 Home Tuition
A hospital can request home tuition via the home school when a patient is discharged to home. Alternatively a school can make a referral for home tuition from the Local Authority Section 19 provision.
The school will be asked to supply information about the child’s educational progress and current programmes of study together with any work they would like the child to complete. The Home Tuition tutor will focus on English and Maths.
If a child is to be taught in the home at the end of each teaching session the Tutor will discuss the child’s progress and any homework to be completed with the parent/guardian.
Aspects of the child’s progress will also be discussed during a ‘Team around the Child’ review, organised by the Section 19 Manager. These are normally planned for children requiring a more lengthy period of time receiving education support.
Where will students sit their external examinations?
Students can sit their external exams at the ACE site at Sandfield Park school and do not need to go into their home school. This helps to alleviate any unnecessary anxiety. In extreme cases arrangements can be made to sit exams at home.
Returning to School
When the medical profession considers a child to be fit enough to return to school they will be discharged from ACE.
The home school will be informed. Some students may return directly to school, whilst for others, there will be a phased integration plan over a maximum of 4 weeks.
What happens if a child has difficulties in returning to school?
As part of the integration process, ACE will remain in contact with the school and if there are any difficulties a meeting can take place in order to review the integration plan. This is a flexible and personalised approach to meet the needs of the child.
During Year 11, ACE makes provision for all students to meet with their Careers IAG Officer. They liaise closely with the student, their family and the ACE team in order to support pupils in their career choice / further education.
Y11 pupils also have careers sessions delivered by ACE staff as part of their Enrichment programme.