Sandfield Park



Dear families and carers,

Welcome to S5! This year our staff are:

Miss Hynes 

Mrs Cowie

Miss Emblem (Monday, Tuesday Wednesday)

Miss Jones (Thursday)

Miss Baker (Friday) 

Miss Gardner (Monday, Tuesday)

Miss Dunbavin (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Mrs Chak

Miss Turchyn

We’re looking forward to working with you and your child this year.

We’ll be working on an adapted National Curriculum which is appropriate to the learning needs of the class. We’ll be heading out on trips to support and consolidate our learning as well as accessing external opportunities to interact with the community via zoom. 

The focus of all of our lessons is going to be communication with a lot of work dedicated to ensuring we can communicate about any subject to anyone we want to talk to.

We will also be building on our employability skills to ensure we are prepared for the world of work when we leave Sandfield Park School.

Click here to see S5 Long Term Planning

Click her to see S5 Medium Term Planning Spring 2

Click here to see S5 Timetable Spring 2