Sandfield Park



Welcome to S3!

Our class team this year are: Mr Wood, Mrs Brady, Mrs Kelly, Miss Jones and Mx Sinclair.

We are looking forward to this new academic year and all the exciting learning opportunities we have to look forward to. As part of our timetable this year we will be focussing on learning life skills, travel training, building our attention and focus with attention autism as well as exploring new sounds, smells and tastes through Food technology and Sensology. We will also be enjoying practical sessions throughout the year such as Rebound Therapy, Swimming and exploring the world around us through Forest School.

Most of the young people in our class will also be accessing regular timetabled AAC sessions during the week to support their communication.

Throughout the year, events, progress and skills will be tracked using the EFL app, class dojo and the school social media pages.

Click here to view S3 Spring 1 Medium Term Planning

Click here to view S3 Timetable