Welcome to S2!
This year our class team are: Miss Bird, Miss Carey, Miss Jones (Monday, Friday) and Miss Brady (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
We also have P.E lessons with Mr Gauden and Mrs Greatorex and Music lessons with Mrs Evans.
In S2 we are a group of Year 8 and Year 9 pupils.
Throughout the year, progress will be monitored and evidenced on Evidence for Learning (EFL). There will be weekly posts on the school’s social media platforms about learning and activities we get up to as a class. I can be contacted via class Dojo with any questions or concerns.
As a team, we are looking forward to another year of learning experiences and opportunities.
Click here to view S2 Long Term Plan
Click here to view S2 Spring Term 2 Medium Term Plan
Click here to view S2 Spring Term 2 Timetable
Miss Bird
Class Teacher