Sandfield Park

Alder Centre for Education

ACE Curriculum







Pupils in KS3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) are assessed in relation to their progress through the National Curriculum skills and content.  At KS3 summative assessments take place 3 times a year at the appropriate stage in the NC for that subject. Teachers will report on the % each pupil achieves together with the Baseline % for that assessment.
Pupils in KS4 (Years 10 & 11) are assessed at their current working grade.
Parents and Home Schools are provided with a Pupil Report at the end of each term where personal and academic progress is shared.

ACE Curriculum Statement

Maths Curriculum Statement
English Curriculum Statement
Science Curriculum Statement
Enrichment Curriculum Statement
Art Curriculum Statement

Maths Curriculum Map KS3
Maths Curriculum Map KS4
English KS3 Curriculum Map
English KS4 Curriculum Map
Science Curriculum Map
Art KS3 Curriculum Map
ICT Curriculum Map
Exam Results